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  • How a Holiday Shop Local Campaign Can Benefit Your Pittsburgh Airport Area Business

    'Tis the season for giving, and what better way to give back to your community than by launching a holiday shop local campaign? Not only will this support your local economy, but it will also strengthen the bond between businesses and their customers. Here's everything you need to know about how to make your holiday shop local campaign a success courtesy of the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce.

    The Importance of Giving Back During the Holidays

    One of the best things about the holidays is that it's a time when people are more inclined to give back to those in need. As a business, there are plenty of ways that you can get involved in giving back to your community. For example, you could partner with a local charity and host a food or clothing drive at your store. Or, you could offer discounts to customers who make donations to a designated charity. No matter how you choose to give back, doing so will not only show your customers that you care about your community—it will also make them more likely to support your business in the future.

    How to Launch Your Own Shop Local Campaign

    There are a few key things that you need to do in order to launch a successful holiday shop local campaign. First, you need to start promoting your campaign well in advance. This will ensure that people are aware of it and have ample time to participate. Next, you need to come up with an enticing incentive for shoppers—something that will make them want to choose your business over others. Finally, you need to make sure that your staff is on board with the campaign and knows how to properly promote it to customers.

    How to Promote Your Campaign

    There are many different ways that businesses can promote their holiday shop local campaigns. One of the most effective methods is through social media. By creating eye-catching posts and using relevant hashtags, you can reach a wide audience and encourage people to support your business. Another great way to promote your campaign is by partnering with other local businesses and co-hosting events or joint marketing initiatives.

    What You Can Do to Incentivize Shopping Locally 

    In order for people to be motivated to shop at your business during the holidays, you need to offer them an incentive that they can't find anywhere else. This could be anything from exclusive discounts and coupons to special holiday-themed products or services. Whatever you decide, make sure that it's something that will appeal to your target audience—otherwise, they're likely just going to go elsewhere.

    To help holiday shoppers in your store, consider writing some gift guides featuring your products. You can write multiple guides in one PDF, then separate them using this PDF splitter. Make each guide useful for different types of customers or tailored to gifts for different family members. You can even share these guides on your website or via email to generate excitement for your products.

    How Businesses Can Support One Another During the Holidays

    Partnering with other businesses in your area is a great way to show customers that they can shop locally without having to sacrifice selection or convenience. By teaming up with other businesses, you can pool resources and create joint marketing initiatives or co-hosted events such as holiday markets or gift-wrapping days. Not only will this help promote each individual business involved, but it will also give customers even more reasons to shop locally during the holidays.

    The holidays are the perfect time of year for businesses to give back to their communities by launching shop local campaigns. Not only do these campaigns benefit the local economy, they also strengthen the bond between businesses and their customers. By promoting their campaigns well in advance, offering incentives for shoppers, and partnering with other businesses, small business owners can ensure that their holiday shop local campaigns are successful. So what are you waiting for? Start planning yours today!

    Grow your business by building relationships with other local entrepreneurs and accessing unique resources offered by the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce. Join us today!

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